jueves, 7 de diciembre de 2017

Internacional: Pronunciamientos por el fallecimiento del querido camarada Pierre

ALEMANIA: Nota de la Jugendwiderstand de pesar por el fallecimiento del Camarada Pierre. (maoistroad)

Germany Jugendwiderstand : “Fight, comrades! Fight and comrade Pierre will be immortal”

On this day we want to express our warmest internationalist salute and our solidarity towards our French comrades of the PCM.
We want to honour the memory of comrade Pierre who without and doubt has been a genuine revolutionary to the bottom of his heart and fought with fervor and dedication from the very first days of his struggle, to the moment he joined Gauche Prolétarienne, until the very last day.
We only had the chance to meet him once, but it was enough to see how much he cares for the people, how the younger comrades looked up to him, how tireless he was in organizing the revolution and how confident about us – the movement of the international proletariat – to finally win the struggle and conquer imperialism.
And this is the legacy of comrade Pierre we want to uphold: That his example will enlighten the hearts of young revolutionaries across the world and be with us in our struggle and of course with the French comrades in their struggle and so on… and one day, when the struggle is won and the victory is ours, he along with all the other revolutionaries who gave their lives will be part of it.

Fight, comrades! Fight and comrade Pierre will be immortal.
December 6, 2017

REINO UNIDO: Mensaje de los camaradas de Revoluctionary Praxis con motivo de la muerte del Camarada Pierre

Revolutionary Praxis on the death of Comrade Pierre

Revolutionary Praxis is saddened to learn of the death of Comrade Pierre. Back in the sixties this dedicated comrade took part in the struggle to build a thoroughly revolutionary movement in opposition to the degenerate revisionism which had arisen in France and other countries. The period since then has not been an easy one for comrades trying to keep the Red Flag flying but Pierre has lasted the course. In recent years he came to Britain on at least two occasions to try to help with building links among Maoists in Europe. This is a period when capitalism and imperialism are facing growing problems. We must pay tribute to his memory by renewing our efforts to promote real internationalism in revolutionary political struggle.

Long live the memory of Comrade Pierre! 

Noruega: Red salute to the living memory of Comrade Pierre. TJEN FOLKET.

Red salute to the living memory of Comrade Pierre

Pierre, a long time Maoist activist in France, has passed away in a age of 81. Tjen Folket send our condolences to his family and the Maoist Communist Party (PCM) of wich he was a leading activist.
In the event of a comrade passing, we put forward Mao Zedongs words “To die for the people is weightier than Mount Tai”. Pierre lived for the people – he was an activist in the 1968-rebellion, in the ML-movement of the 1970thies, he was part of the establishing of a Marxist-Leninist-Maoist centre in France and he was still an activist till the end.
Tjen Folket did not know Pierre well, but some of our activists actually met him not long before he passed away. We are happy for this, since it is always inspiring to meet people who have dedicated a whole life to the struggle. He asked questions and made remarks, about social-imperialist China, imperialist aggression in the Middle East – and he told about the mass work and political line of PCM.
The Maoist movement is a young movement. But already, we have many martyrs from all corners of the world. Pierre was a veteran of the former communist movement, but he lived in the present, not in the past.
Red salute to Comrade Pierre!
Red salute to his family, friends and comrades!
Fight in the spirit of Comrade Pierre, long live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism! 


EE.UU.: Comrade Pierre, Red Salute! Tampa Maoist Collective.

Comrade Pierre, Red Salute!
Tampa Maoist Collective, Dec 6th 2017:

When we think about the forces that inspired the creation of our collective, we immediately think of our comrades in Parti Communiste Maoïste. The PCM shows us that even in the centers of imperialism, it is right to rebel. Because of our tremendous respect, love, and international solidarity with the PCM, it was with great sadness that we learned of the death of Comrade Pierre. At the age of 81, this comrade never ceased to serve as a shining example of what it means to be a communist. Comrade Pierre took up the mantle of Maoism at the precise moment when the left in imperialist states was defecting in droves to post-modernism, he never apologized for his support of revolution and taught new generations of revolutionaries what it means to serve the people.
Much has been said about the life of Comrade Pierre by our comrades across the world and within the US, to this symphony of honor and respect our collective can only add very little. None of us knew or had met Comrade Pierre, but his example still reached us though a great distance stood between our two organizations. To us, Comrade Pierre is immortal and lives on in the actions of his comrades in France and across the world. With each advance we take, in Fance, the US, India, or Turkey, the memory of Comrade Pierre and all our martyrs marches with us.
To the Parti Communiste Maoïste, we offer your party, its mass organizations, and supporters our love and condolences on a loss that has affected you all so profoundly. The outcry of working people at the death of Comrade Pierre from one continent to another is a tribute to the work not only of that comrade, but of your entire party. The Tampa Maoist Collective sends you all red internationalist solidarity as you carry on the outstanding legacy of your comrade and friend Pierre.

Long live the revolutionary memory of Comrade Pierre!
Long Live the World Proletarian Revolution!
Comrade Pierre, Lal Salaam!
Forward to Communism!


EE.UU.: Solidarity to Maoist Communist Party of France on the passing of Comrade Pierre - Red Guards Austin.

forPierreOur collective, since its early start has been inspired by the Maoists in France who have since then founded their party—the PCM. We are saddened by news of the loss of Comrade Pierre. We extend our condolences, love and respect to his Party, a party which has motivated us and taught us many things.  Pierre as a senior leader of the PCM has touched many lives all over the world, their loss is our own.  Last month one of our members was able to meet Comrade Pierre and we have included a short statement from this comrade.  To the PCM, your loss is felt across oceans!
– Red Guards Austin, Dec 5, 2017

Some thoughts for a veteran comrade

When you are a member of an organization which is repressed, harassed, and surveilled, going as far as the corner store can be a troublesome experience, and going across the world is considerably more difficult. Delays, extra precautions, bureaucratic paperwork, and jet lag are just the most minor of considerations. My journey to France however, was made worthwhile by getting to meet a veteran leader of the Maoist movement of that country. Comrade Pierre was in his eighties, he was still fit and mobile, and he spoke fast and sharp. Even with a considerable language barrier, we immediately bonded over the concept of urban PPW: “Like a steel belt around the city,” we both said at the same time in different languages.
I have been many places and met many comrades, but none so far have left the kind of impression on me as Comrade Pierre did. His mastery of MLM, his way of expressing himself, his lifetime of militant experience—all were above and beyond expectation. I am honored to have sat with a giant.
We spoke of many, many things over the span of a few days, days now laced with a tinge of loss. Most teachers if they are worth anything can impart a great deal of knowledge given enough time. Truly great teachers will impart this knowledge much more quickly. Pierre stated that we are not eternal, and in the biological sense he was of course correct, a thesis he would prove less than one month later. In the other sense, Pierre, you are indeed eternal. Your experience has trained a movement, built a party, a great party—the PCM. There are many comrades who will not hesitate to continue fighting on in your stead, and you live now in each of our struggles.
A fighter in May ’68, a tireless supporter of the people’s war in Peru, and a student of Marx, Lenin, Mao, and Gonzalo—you are a part of a whole. Many people in their eighties remark of the rashness of their youth, show concern that they were too extreme, and the excesses (when they admit them) light a small glimmer in their otherwise dull eyes. This glimmer, however, never left Pierre’s eyes for a moment. We spoke well into late nights, and on early mornings his stamina was greater than comrades’ a quarter of his age. Not for a moment did he lament militancy. He would wield it like the sword of truth: “This time we will go further!” Many men were militant; Pierre was a militant who never stopped.
His inspiration and his remarkable revolutionary life will be carried with me for the rest of mine. I hope to develop half the commitment and knowledge that he showed. Upon parting for what would be the final time, he grasped my arms with a firm grip, looked directly at me, and told me, in English, “Remember—and do not forget—build the party!” I gave him my word that I would give my whole life to this, and I aim to make good on my word.
We may have been locked in struggles half a world apart, but we are all in the same class, children of the proletariat, who must build our parties and wage our wars. The whole of the PCM has lost a great fighter, teacher, and revolutionary, but we too in the international communist movement have lost a rare and dedicated comrade, a comrade who cared deeply for the trajectory of world revolution and never took his glimmering eyes off of the final goal of communism.
Red salute to the very best among us! The only way to properly honor our dead is to continue the fight! Comrade Pierre is eternal! Long live PCM, long live MLM, long live Pierre!
Statment from PCM in English: Comrade Pierre is immortal.

Holanda: Mensaje de los camaradas de Revolutionaire Eenheid por el fallecimiento del Camarada Pierre.

Revolutionaire Eenheid salutes comrade Pierre, he is immortal!  Netherlands

Our comrade Pierre is has passed away. A revolutionary since the ’68 uprisings in France, he passed away on Monday morning 4 December at the age of 81. He died of the consequences of a terrible fall off the stairs of the subway on the Saturday before, just after a demonstration.
It is with great sadness that we heard the news of our fallen comrade. Comrade Pierre was a dedicated revolutionary, always busy with political work in all its different forms. He was on the streets of his neighborhood, working with the proletariat around him. He was at the protests whenever they were there, up until his death. He was a theoretician and building a party, the PCM in France, according to Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, one of the strongest in the imperialist ‘belly of the beast’. It is through all of his work, his tirelessness and his selflessness that he will be remembered.
Comrade Pierre was in the Netherlands a couple of months ago. His energy, steadfastness and dedication to the worldwide proletarian revolution was clear to everyone who met him. At the same time comrade Pierre was humble and sober, stripped from the petit-bourgeois lifestyle that so many of us are stubbornly holding on to.
The passing away of comrade Pierre makes us sad. This is normal. But let us turn this sadness into action – that is what comrade Pierre would have wanted us to do. Let us carry the life and spirit of comrade Pierre in our everyday lives. Let us undo ourselves from petit-bourgeois lifestyles and ideologies. Let us be dedicated revolutionaries of the proletariat that will never stop until exploitation and oppression are a thing of the past. Let us fight for the worldwide proletarian revolution until communism!
Carry on the life and spirit of comrade Pierre in the worldwide proletarian revolution, he is immortal!
Comrade Pierre, presente!
Long live the worldwide proletarian revolution!
Revolutionaire Eenheid

Francia: Le Camarade Pierre est immortel ! PC-maoïste de France.

Le Camarade Pierre est immortel !

Notre Camarade Pierre est mort. Samedi 2 décembre, suite à une manifestation, il a fait une terrible chute dans les escaliers du métro qui l’ont laissé entre la vie et la mort. Dimanche, l’équipe médicale a confirmé qu’il n’avait plus d’activité cérébrale. Il a donc été débranché de toutes les machines d’assistance et est décédé ce lundi matin, à l’âge de 81 ans.
Notre tristesse est grande et la perte du Camarade Pierre, en tant que membre de la direction de notre Parti, est immense. De par la dimension internationale de notre lutte, la disparition de notre Camarade est une perte pour le prolétariat international.
La vie du Camarade Pierre est une vie d’engagement révolutionnaire au service du peuple. C’est Mai 68 qui l’a amené à s’engager dans la lutte révolutionnaire. En tant que prolétaire, il se tourne rapidement vers la Gauche Prolétarienne. Son engagement révolutionnaire est conséquent, plein et entier. Qu’il s’agisse de rentrer dans une boîte où il faut déclencher une grève, accompagner les femmes qui veulent avorter à l’étranger, soutenir la lutte des foyers de travailleurs immigrés (qui aboutira à l’obtention d’une carte de séjour), être aux côtés des paysans bretons qui mènent la guerre du lait, ou tout simplement faire le tour du quartier le soir pour connaître les problèmes quotidiens des voisins et voisines, il est là, toujours là, inlassable, infatigable. C’est ainsi qu’il se forge en tant que militant révolutionnaire, militant communiste, militant maoïste. Au coeur des luttes du peuple, parmi les masses comme un poisson dans l’eau.
Au cours de toute sa vie, il continue de se forger dans le feu de la lutte de classe en lien étroit avec les masses et regroupe autour de lui, transmet son expérience, forme des jeunes Camarades, montre la voie de la pratique révolutionnaire avec son énergie caractéristique.
Notre Camarade Pierre laisse derrière lui un souvenir d’un Camarade de toutes les luttes, d’un Camarade inusable, d’un Camarade infatigable, qui n’a jamais quitté le camp des exploités et opprimés.
Dès que nos Camarades ont commencé à parler de sa disparition, nous avons reçu des dizaines et des dizaines de témoignages, de messages de soutien, de partage d’un grand sentiment de tristesse.
Oui Camarades, le camp révolutionnaire perd un Camarade inestimable. Mais grâce à ce qu’il a légué aux jeunes générations, nous avons gagné un espoir, une force, une détermination et un exemple de ce que signifie être un dirigeant communiste authentique, un dirigeant maoïste : ne jamais lâcher, toujours être du côté du peuple et de la classe ouvrière, être parmi les masses comme un poisson dans l’eau, toujours chercher à s’améliorer en sachant se remettre en cause quand il le faut, être ferme sur les principes, une vie au service de la révolution prolétarienne mondiale.
Notre Camarade Pierre vivra dans les luttes du prolétariat international, il est immortel !
Notre Camarade Pierre est un dirigeant maoïste qui restera dans l’histoire de notre classe !
Camarade Pierre, présent !
Vive la révolution prolétarienne mondiale !

Un hommage sera organisé très prochainement, nous donnerons les détails très rapidement.

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