viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2021

India: Afiches del PCI en el distrito Jayashankar Bhupalpally, advierten a la policía para que cesen su actividad en la zona.

La prensa reaccionaria "The Hindu", informa:

Posters en el nombre del comité del PCI (maoísta) del area Venkatapuram-Wajedu, alertan a los informates de la policia, para que cesen su actividad, los posters fueron encontrados en varios lugares, y también al interior de los espacios de Kondapuram y Alubaka, en Venkatapuram mandal en horas de la mañana del jueves.

The posters caused a flutter in the forest fringe villages, some of which were located along the bank of the Godavari in the tribal majority district, sources said.

The handwritten posters, purportedly put up by the Maoists, read “Police Informants Ku Hechharika” (Warning to police informants).

The posters contained the names of some persons belonging to four remote villages, whom the Maoists branded police informants.

The Maoists accused the police informants of acting hand in glove with the exploitative ruling class to eliminate the revolutionary struggle and warned them of dire consequences if they did not mend their ways.

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