martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

Declaración de C.C. del PCI (Maoísta) sobre la muerte del camarada Sridhar Srinivasan

El 18 de agosto de 2015, las masas oprimidas de nuestro país y la Revolución India perdieron un ejemplar líder comunista y un brillante intelectual revolucionario, camarada Sridhar Srinivasan, conocido por el campamento revolucionario como Camarada Vishnu y Vijay. Falleció después de un ataque masivo al corazón. El CC PCI (Maoista) rinde su humilde homenaje rojo a este miembro del Comité Central y se compromete a cumplir con los ideales revolucionarios por los que vivió y dio su vida.

CPI (Maoist) CC statement on the death of Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan
On August 18th 2015, the oppressed masses of our country and the Indian revolution lost an exemplary communist leader and a brilliant revolutionary intellectual—Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan—known to the revolutionary camp as Com. Vishnu and Vijay. He passed away after a massive heart attack. The CC, CPI(Maoist) pays its humble red homage to this member of the Central Committee and vows to fulfill the revolutionary ideals for which he lived and laid down his life.
His journey as a revolutionary
It was in 1978-79, as a young student of Arts in Elphinstone college, Mumbai, Comrade Sridhargot influenced with revolutionary politics and gave up his studies to work for the oppressed masses of the country.And for the next 35 years, he continued with undaunting spirit and determination to serve the people. Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan organized students and led agitations in Mumbai under the banner of Vidharthi Pragati Sanghatana (VPS). He was one of the leaders of the historical takeover of Mumbai University (against fee hike ) by the college students in 1979. When the movement spread to youths, he again played a prominent role in mobilising youths under the banner of Naujawan Bharat Sabha (NBS).
Along with the Mill workers Union, led by Datta Samant,NBS organized the workers during the mill workers’ strike in early 80s.He was among the key organizers of many militant actions during the strike period.He became City Committee member and the movement expanded to nearby industrial areas of Thane, Bhiwandi, Surat,etc. Later, in 1990, on party’s decision, he moved to Vidharbha region, where he organized coal mine workers in Chandrapur,Vaniand nearby areas.
When the party handed charge of Gondia-Balaghat division to Maharashtra State Committee, he took responsibility and strived to develop the movement with the Vidharbha perspective. For over two decades till 2007, he ably led the party as the State Secretary of the Maharashtra. He was elected to the central committee of the CPI(Maoist) in 2001.He was reelected to the CC in the Unity Congress (9th Congress) held in January 2007.He stood steadfast in all the ups and downs the movement always defending the party line. He had unwavering confidence in the party and its line. He opposed the opportunist trends that arose in the party. He stood firm despite the movement facing adverse conditions. He never wavered and stood like a pillar in fulfilling whichever responsibility the party entrusted him with.He stood as a great leader till his last breath with unwavering commitment to the revolution, steely determination and will power.
Arrest and his jail life
In August ,2007, he got arrested. He faced days of interrogation, mental torture but, he never bent before the enemy.The State tried its best to prolong his incarceration by foisting more than 60 cases and even managed to get a conviction of 6 ½ years in a fabricated case.While yearning for his freedom, he continued to educate and inspire young cadres who were in jail with him. Never to rest, he utilized the time, in reading books and studying national and international situation.He interacted with various Islamic activists and tried to understand their movement. Early morning hours were spent in writing long letters and political notes on various issues, to comrades in different jails.He got released in Aug, 2013.
Jail life could not break his spirit though it took a toll on his health.On release, he stayed with his family and utilized this time in meeting and propagating about the movement. He waited to join his comrades, but, on his way to meet them, he passed away. His wish remained unfulfilled. Comrade Sridhar’s martyrdom is a major blow to the movement.The proletariat and toiling masses of our country have lost one of their greatest sons who selflessly served them till his last breath, with nothing but their interests and the interests of the revolution in his heart.
Comrade Sridhar will live forever in the hearts of the Party’s rank and file and millions upon millions of the Indian masses.Our party upholds the ideals of comrade Sridhar. It vows to fight relentlessly to fulfill his dreams. Our CC, CPI (Maoist) pays red homage to him with bowed heads. It is sending its deep condolences to his family and friends and shares their grief. Let us pledge ourselves once again to fulfill the great ideals for which Comrade Sridhar Srinivasan had laid down his life.
spokesperson CC, CPI (MAOIST)

lunes, 7 de septiembre de 2015

Niños mueren de frio pero a nadie le importa, son de Puno.


Niños mueren de frío en Puno (Perú)

La página ha publicado un artículo sobre una situación que se repite año a año en Puno, varias decenas de niños mueren por el frío. A causa de enfermedades producidas por las bajas temperaturas de la región y la falta de abrigos, mantas etc. Una crisis humanitaria que no se escucha por los medios y que molesta cuando alguien se atreve a recordarla. (Victoria de los oprimidos y explotados)
Luego de las fotos propaladas de un niño sirio ahogado a orillas del mar, los peruanos se sintieron indignados por tanta inhumanidad en el mundo y por eso compartieron la foto, desatando una conmosión internacional que casi hace cantar a todos “We are the world”.
Eso le dio una idea a los niños de Huancavelica, Puno y la Amazonía para que por fin los peruanos, empezando por las autoridades, los apoyen y no los hagan sentir que viven en la Antártida. Se tomaron fotos en sus peores condiciones y las mandaron a los diferentes medios de comunicación, destacados bloggers y demás idiotas con internet. Sin embargo, nadie los publicó ni en su muro de Facebook por lo que no llegaron ni a un Like, y no conforme con ello hasta los calificaron como resentidos sociales.
“Nos dijeron que somos socialistas, antidesarrollos y antidemocráticos y que de seguro nuestros padres eran terrucos. Además agregaron que nuestro reclamo detenía las inversiones y que no debíamos hacer eso porque los empresarios se pueden molestar”, señaló uno de los niños mientras moría de frío en Mazocruz, Puno.
“Yo no estudio porque por aquí no hay colegio y temo enfermarme porque el hospital está a ocho horas en bote”, dijo por su parte un niño de la cuenca del Pastaza, en Loreto. Él no pudo mandar foto porque no tenía cámara, pero mandó un dibujo en donde el río que antes era azul, ahora es negro debido a la contaminación petrolera.
Como no nos quedamos conformes, quisimos saber por qué no los peruanos se ponían las pilas y ayudaban a estos niños a tener al menos los servicios básicos. Uno de los más indignados nos preguntó primero si estas fotos habían salido en el Huffington Post, The New York Times o en Reuters. Cuando les dijimos que no, respondió que no lee medios tercermundistas y se fue flotando sobre la vereda.